- ConnectiKids
- Background: ConnectiKids, Inc., founded in 1978, is a non-profit community organization committed to improving the lives of Hartford’s children. Over the years, our services and partnerships have met the ever-increasing needs of a diverse community with limited resources in a city that faces many challenges. ConnectiKids is currently in its 39th year of service and has served nearly 10,000 children since our humble beginnings, working with over 300 children each year from West Middle and Michael D Fox Elementary Schools. Our partners include Aetna, The Hartford, State Offices, Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Trinity College, University of Connecticut, University of Saint Joseph, Northwest Catholic High School, and Avon High School.
- Mission: Inspiring Hartford’s children to make positive choices, embrace high expectations and fulfill their potential by providing successful mentors, individualized tutoring, enriching activities, and stimulating environments.
- Objectives for UGC Project: Marketing strategy to increase donations and strengthen donor relationships, financial planning
- CareerEngage Boston
- Background: CareerEngage is a community of early-to-mid-career professionals. We’re committed to having fun and giving back to the city that has given us so much. We schedule regular social meet-ups and community events. CareerEngage connects professionals with innovative content: best practices, tips, and tricks for taking charge of your career. Our organization provides guidance, advice, and career development programs for early to mid-career professionals from all industries and functional areas who want to take charge of their careers. CareerEngage offers career development opportunities with mentoring opportunities, webinars, and seminars on career-related topics such as goal setting, finding your perfect job, changing careers, resume writing, and more.
- Company Mission: Our mission is to bring together early to mid-career minded professionals who want to become active participants in managing their own careers by partnering with peers, mentors, and career management professionals to help them achieve their career objectives.
- Objectives: Business plan for new website design, social media marking plan
- Chief Teale’s Tools of Learning
- Background: Teale Ink, Inc. was founded in 2016 for the purpose of writing books, giving history tours of the City of Hartford, CT and making public the program known as “Chief Teale’s the Tools of Learning”.
- Mission: A=(H=S)DThis stands for (A) Attainment equals the sum of (H) Health plus (S) Strategy multiplied times (D) Desire. Teale Ink, Inc. addresses each of these by helping people reach their academic and professional goals. This is done by improving their mental, physical and emotional health, providing them with a strategy for learning, understanding and remembering information, and by inspiring them to become better citizens through the use of their (and sometimes our) positive history.
- Objectives: Marketing and business plan
- Commercial Solar Works
- Background: Commercial Solar Works (“CSW”) is a startup focusing on commercial and industrial solar development in CT and surrounding northeast state markets. Our client base includes municipalities, corporate, academic and industrial offtakes. We offer cash-sale, power purchase agreements (through third-party financiers), capital and equipment leases (through third-party financiers), and operations and maintenance/asset management.
- Mission: To streamline the process for the customer and developers by- implementing a lean operational system; robust IT platform; operational plan offering transparency and constant/near current communication with downstream partners
- Objectives: Research renewable energy policy and business development opportunities
- Dollar Giving
- Background: UConn alumni founded dollargiving.org (DG) to apply the power of social media and crowdfunding to nonprofit fundraising. DG started numerous partnerships with local and national associations including Connecticut Alliance for Nonprofits, Society for Nonprofits and National Association for Nonprofit Organizations and Executives to generate new media attention and resources through an expanded network. The organization realizes an extensive and very strong network with foundations, nonprofits, and other philanthropic organizations across the state of Connecticut and the region. In addition, DG also started a blog series to address the disconnect to the city of Hartford through the ‘Where’s the Sign’ campaign and many other activities.
- Mission: Dollar Giving is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity that is all about focusing on small donations that give back in a big way to the local community. The Dollar Giving network features attainable causes and provides the ability to quickly and easily raise money utilizing the power of social networking and crowdfunding. We have partnered with New England based nonprofits like The Village and Journey Home to help raise money for specific causes and our list of partners continues to grow.
- Objectives: SWOT, marketing strategy to increase donations
- Fish Element
- Background: The idea for Reel Alert came about during night surf fishing in New Jersey. Reel Alert’s youngest partner Jordan, thought of a way to move a strike indicator light source from the top of a fishing pole to the reel. This creates advantages for the customer including having the light source at eye level and decreasing false strike indications caused by wind or surf. The indicator works during both the day and at night. Fish Element LLC was started by five family partners and their product, Reel Alert, was patented in 2015.
- Mission: To manufacture a high-quality product that enhances the recreational fishing experience at a great value to the customer. Fish Element LLC also aims to promote responsible use of resources and promote environmental stewardship of the shoreline.
- Objectives: Business/Distribution plan, Website re-design, social media analysis/planning
- Background: Established in 1867, YWCA Hartford Region is the third oldest affiliate of YWCA, a women’s membership movement dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women. YWCA Hartford Region provides programs and services in the greater Hartford Region including child care, supportive housing, teen leadership development, racial justice awareness, financial literacy, and economic empowerment.
- Mission: YWCA Hartford Region is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. We promote change at a systemic level and through improved lives for individuals and families in our community. Increasingly, the paramount theme is for every woman to achieve economic security.YWCA pursues its mission through advocacy and programs and services. YWCA serves the greater Hartford area with vital programs, including:
- early learning and school-age childcare
- emergency and permanent supportive housing
- youth leadership development
- racial justice awareness
- financial literacy education
- economic stability for women and families
Serving nearly 2,000 people annually, we are helping women and girls bridge educational, career, and financial gaps and prepare them for life-long stability and economic security — creating opportunities one woman at a time.
- Objectives: Marketing plan to increase membership and brand awareness
- SoConn Wine Company
- Background: Nestled in the quaint town of Wallingford, we are a female owned and operated winemaking facility. We don’t grow our grapes in Connecticut, but we have a partnership with a vineyard in California and the grapes from Suisun Valley. We offer tours, wine appreciation classes, craft nights and blending classes.
- Mission: Our goal is to create a boutique wine label that blends our passion, knowledge and expertly cultivated product from one of the best wine growing regions in the world. Our tasting room’s urban feel blends the industrial with the rustic appeal of a northern California winery experience with plenty of room to relax.
- Objectives: Marketing plan to boost sales; Financial projections and cost analysis
- Hadley Pollet
- Background: Hadley Pollet is a contemporary American designer from New Canaan, CT. Her signature belt designs sprung from inspiration while at Rhode Island School of Design. Her unique style caught the eyes of many when she wore a belt made of vintage ribbon and a buckle out to a birthday party in Boston. Since then, her line has exploded with extensive press coverage, and exposure in high-end stores worldwide, quickly into a lifestyle brand including handbags, jewelry, and HomeGoods made with Hadley’s copyrighted textile designs. The line is available worldwide, with fans throughout the US, Japan, Taiwan, Iceland, France, England, Peru, and Iceland.
- Mission: Hadley and her signature designs inspire women to radiate the power of kindness despite the ongoing negativity in our world. She prides herself on creating a brand that represents self-expression, empowerment, and confidence by igniting an emotional desire for women to feel spiritually uplifted when dressing. Her brand is known to deliver women the ability to express themselves wholeheartedly, whether someone is a hippie, downright preppy or both. Her hope is that every day, women wake up and dress as the best form of their spiritual selves, expressing themselves brightly.
- Objectives: Business planning, purchasing and licensing.